
New top story on Hacker News: Tell HN: I have the perfect job, why is it not enough?

Tell HN: I have the perfect job, why is it not enough?
258 by perfectjob | 180 comments on Hacker News.
I am in my mid-thirties, working four days a week, and making over 100k. I have a house, a good relationship with my wife, and young and healthy kids. I work from home. My job is technically interesting, and I still learn/improve. I do not have meetings. One or sometimes two 30 min calls a week with my boss. Most days, I do not have to interact with anyone from work, not even customer contact. If I knew I could have a job like this ten years ago, I would have thought that's it, the dream. But somehow, it isn't. It's never enough. I dream about doing my own thing or retiring early to do other projects. It is probably human to always want more. So HN, how did you settle and slow down and become happy with the way it is without always wanting more?


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