
Beth Holloway believes Joran van der Sloot's confession to murdering daughter Natalee was 'corroborated' - Fox News

* Beth Holloway believes Joran van der Sloot's confession to murdering daughter Natalee was 'corroborated'  Fox News
* Beth Holloway speaks after Joran van der Sloot admits to killing Natalee Holloway  WVTM 13 News
* How Natalee Holloway's case put a spotlight on media coverage of missing White women  The Washington Post
* Joran van der Sloot has confessed to killing Natalee Holloway  Fox News
* Joran van der Sloot admits to killing Alabama teen Natalee Holloway -- but her body will never be found, judge says  CNN
* View Full Coverage on Google News


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